Letting Go...

You don’t drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying in it. 

Letting go means different things to different people. What does letting go mean to me? It could mean letting go of mental, physical, and emotional baggage. During my vision board parties, I do an exercise called, ‘Bag Lady – No More!’  I’m not a hoarder, however, I have enough ‘stuff,’ to fill up bags upon bags. (Que: ‘Bag Lady’, by Erika Badu ‘Bag lady you gone hurt your back, Dragging all them bags like that.’).  And by ‘bags of stuff’, I’m including physical, mental and emotional.

I need to physically let go of things I was positive I ‘MUST HAVE’, at the point of purchase. A year or years later I find them in my drawer, tags still on. My husband (I don’t think I’ll ever be this disciplined) believes in only having enough shoes to work and workout. I, on the other hand, am convinced the day I choose to throughout those flipflops with the pink bling heart, will be the day I’m invited to a ‘pink bling heart flipflop party’. (It can happen! 😊)

I really try hard to mentally let go of all the really good zingers for the people I got into arguments with over the years. My wit game is strong but my malicious game is weak. I know that ‘hurt people, hurt people’ so I hold them back so as to not cause them (or myself for being mean) any additional hurt. Those zingers, however, would go around and round in my mind like a ticker tape. Yep, I think I need to let them go.

Emotionally, we must let go of relationships we put our all into working. Those relationships could be a mate, friend, workgroup, or even family. We invest so much time and energy in engaging and making it work, that we turn a blind eye to those red flags that show us, the relationship is slipping and more times than not, over. How do we let go and not lose part of ourselves? Is it possible to redefine ourselves outside of that relationship? How do we reinvest that same energy and emotion into being fully present for ourselves and those who want us in their lives? How do we not carry that emotional baggage with us forever?

Whether a pair of shoes or a relationship, sometimes letting go can be the hardest thing to do. Letting go may seem impossible. We give our all and all we want is reciprocity. Reciprocity means giving and receiving.

You must learn that when you find yourself giving and giving in vain, it’s time to let go. You may be weighed down by feelings of guilt, discouragement, and defeat thinking you’ve lost.  We’ve got to put that self-defeating baggage down. Know this, letting go does not always mean we lose.

Losing what weighs us down makes room for much-needed self-love that builds us up stronger. Reinvest that emotional, mental and physical energy into yourself. You are with you, 24/7/365. You can’t escape yourself and nor should you want to. Create for you, the person you want to be, and want to be with every day. Let go of the bags of hurt and pain and make room for all the wonderful things you have yet to discover and do. It’s time now for you.  Let Go!

Que: ‘Bag Lady’, by Erika Badu “I guess nobody ever told you, All you must hold onto, is you, is you, is you.”

Be Loyal

giving or showing firm and constant support or allegiance to a person or institution.
"he remained loyal to the government"
synonyms: faithful, true, devoted; 

Be Loyal

So often we are busy showing allegiance to others, giving them our 'all'. We also, unknowingly, give loyalty to our past by dwelling on what could've or should've been or happened. In doing so, we miss so much of the NOW the PRESENT MOMENT. Each decision or choice we make, whether conscious or by habit, we are creating our future. Reminiscing is fun and sometimes it's just downright sad, but don't stay there for long. There is still so much life to live and to love.

If you are going to give and show loyalty, start with yourself. Start right now by living in the present and building the future of your dreams.

Matcha Green Tea

“You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”
— C.S. Lewis


True confession... I have been hooked on the benefits of Matcha Green Tea for about three weeks and I don't see it ending anytime soon.  It all started when I sent my son into Starbucks to get a Green Tea Lemonade and the drink he came out holding was a green, I've never seen. And so began my love of Matcha. 

What is Matcha?

Matcha or maccha is a finely ground, bright emerald-green tea powder. It is a natural, organic green tea which has been the heart of the famous Japanese tea ceremony for over 900 years. The Buddhist monks honored matcha tea as the ‘health elixir’ for its potential to heighten the concentration and enhance the metabolism. The uniqueness of Matcha is that it's the only green tea in which the whole leaf is ground up and consumed. 

The health benefits of Matcha

www.TheGardenGrazer.com lists one of the exclusive benefits to matcha is "zenergy!" - the feeling of being calm yet energized and focused at the same time.  Some other benefits include: 

  • All day energy and focus
  • Calorie burning booster
  • Boosts energy and metabolism 
  • Increase memory
  • Fights cancer 
  • Antioxidants

It's hard to have Monday blues when you're enjoying Matcha 🍵 Green Tea. Drink up. 

Your Vibe Attracts Your Tribe

The glory of friendship is not the outstretched hand, not the kindly smile, nor the joy of companionship; it is the spiritual inspiration that comes to one when you discover that someone else believes in you and is willing to trust you with a friendship.

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Your Vibe Attracks Your Tribe.jpg

One of life's greatest pleasures is to be our genuine, authentic self (to vibe) in the company of our Tribe. Do you know your vibe? Do you know your Tribe? How do we learn our vibe in order to attract our Tribe? One way we can learn our vibe is to understand ourselves and to learn to be comfortable with our own company. Doing so is not selfish, it is self-love. The more we learn and love our own vibe. The more we attract like-minded and like-spirited people. Those people are our Tribe. Once you find your Tribe..those who intuitively 'get you' and you 'get them', hold on tight and love them hard. You'll find that even in life's toughest times....no matter how you feel, you'll never be alone. Your Tribe will always be there to share Love and Light. Start with self love and pay it forward. Your vibe attracts your Tribe. 
#Vibe #Tribe #Love #Light

Are You here for You?

“And you? When will you begin that long journey into yourself.” – Rumi

Self-care and selfish are mutually exclusive.  As children, we are taught that we are selfish when we look out for ourselves. But what if we were taught wrong? What if we learn the lesson that we are better able to care for others when we are fully present and care for ourselves.   

On airline flights, we are instructed to put our own masks on first before we help others with theirs. A great life lesson is that we teach others how to treat us. One way we do so is by showing them how we love and care for ourselves.  

Eastern Washington University (www.ewu.edu)  provides these great 7 steps to self-care and wellness. 
1.    Examine your values.  Do what's important to you. Don't sweat the small stuff. Get the leisure time you need to avoid burnout. Use goals for daily living.
2.    Build yourself up.  Have positive 'self-talks.' Discipline yourself not to overreact emotionally to stressful situations. Anticipate life change events and plan for them in advance if possible. Affirm your value.
3.    Learn to relax.  Meditate. Listen to soothing music. Breathe deeply and block out the world twice a day for 15 minutes or so. Pace yourself and give yourself time to recharge.
4.    Exercise regularly.  Three to four times a week for 30-60 minutes a session.
5.    Eat sensibly.  Maintain your normal weight with a low-fat, high carbohydrate diet (or follow the most recent recommendations of health professionals).
6.    Avoid chemical solutions.  Stop smoking. Avoid caffeine. Limit your alcohol and avoid other drugs.
7.    Take control of your life.  Maintain a sense of humor. Delegate responsibility and combat perfectionism. Resist unreasonable demands on your time. Spend time with your family. Nurture your friendships and things you enjoy. Always keep one foot in something comfortable. Live through your values.

One of the best way to remember to take care of yourself is by being here for yourself. By journeying into yourself, you can give yourself the love and care you deserve.  


Is the beauty of nature a reflection of our beauty within?

Does the flower serve as a reflection of our own beauty?  We see the world as we see ourselves. We should always find the beauty within ourselves so that no matter what the world's opinion... we know we are beautifully made.  No less than the trees and flowers.