Resiliency Coaching & HR Consulting

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525,600 Minutes...

“You can waste your life drawing lines, or you can live your life crossing them.” – Shonda Rhimes

What’s the shortest distance between A & B? A straight line, right.  What if that same straight line that was meant to serve as a direction now served as a self-inflicted boundary?

So often we create obstacles, whether real or made up, that are based on our greatest fears. These fears can put us in dark places that have us believing we are not worthy, we cannot compete with others or even worse that no matter what we do or how hard we try, it (we) will never be enough.

What if we took that same straight line & made it a bridge unsteady of a boundary? Today is the day to realign those thoughts & beliefs. Today is the day for better & more. We have the ability to change the way we think about ourselves & our place in the world. It is never too late to erase those lines of self-doubt & build a bridge that allows you to cross over into your greatness.

We teach people how to treat us.  Remember how to treat yourself with compassion & love, then pay it forward. Each day you wake, you are given 525,600 minutes to live. Will you spend that time drawing lines of closure & seclusion, or will you spend it building bridges that allow you to cross over the lines into self-love.

Boundaries & Bridges…both are ‘lines that can either divide & separate us, or connect us with the rest of the world & more importantly, connect us with ourselves.

Photo by @criene via Twenty20